Ines x W (Arknights)

Originally published April 22nd, 2021

 Contains sexual content. Continue at your own discretion. 


Ines has always been a messy sleeper. Back when they only had sleeping bags and cramped tents, maybe the occasional cot, she was forced to keep it under control—or end up on the ground. The comparative luxury of Rhodes Island has made her habits spiral.

Perhaps the greatest contributor is the double bed that W recently wooed Closure into letting them order for their dorm. (The vampire's a total sucker if you convince her you need something for the sake of love, it turns out. As long as you can pay up.) With so much space to roam in the night now, Ines has been ending up in increasingly absurd positions each morning. To W, it appears as if she's trying to outdo herself in an unconscious aerobics competition.

Ines has also always been a biter. If she were less repressed she'd probably chew her nails or have picked up smoking or something. Instead, W is what's usually on the receiving end of Ines' oral fixation. The woman is merciless too! Even without the signature pointed canines of a Sarkaz, it's not unusual for Ines to bite hard enough to draw blood. Maybe she's trying to compensate?

All this is to say—W should've probably anticipated that one day she'd wake up with her tail caught in her girlfriend's mouth.

Ines looks unbelievably stupid. Not unlike a puppy passed out in the middle of playing with it's favorite chew toy, if puppies slept in lacy black underwear. Limbs all askew and tits on the verge of falling out of her camisole.

If W's camera was closer she'd take a photo to embarrass Ines with when she wakes up. Unfortunately, Ines hasn't left W with a long enough—leash?—to allow her to even get out of bed.

Until she gets her tail out of Ines' mouth.

She could just try to wrench her tail out? But W's frankly, a little scared of what would happen if a startled Ines woke up in the midst or her trying to remove her tail. Wake Ines first, free her tail later, seems like the most painless option.

Usually she wakes Ines by vigorously shaking her shoulder, or grabbing her roughly by the horn. Occasionally, by other means, when she's in a particularly romantic mood. There's also tickling her. None of these seem like particularly good ideas at the moment.

W leans over Ines, cups the side of her face. She runs the fingers on her other hand through Ines' hair, the way she knows Ines likes. Hopefully, this should be enough to wake her.

After a few moments, Ines eyes open. She seems surprised that the first thing she sees is W gazing down at her.

"Good morning, little lamb."

It's when she attempts to respond that Ines realizes, sputters, and finally, spits out W's tail. Finally liberated, W whips it back behind her, and laughs. Ines drowsily rubs her jaw.

"Your mouth got lonely last night, huh?"

Ines, now fully conscious of the situation, rolls onto her side, avoiding W's impish grin and swishing tail. She pulls the kicked-off covers up and over her head.

"I'm going back to sleep."


W can tell Ines is close. They're on their sides, snuggled together, legs tangled, Ines' ass flush against W's thighs. W is kissing Ines' shoulder, working her over with one hand and grasping Ines' hand with the other. Ines is breathing hard, doing her best to stay quiet, as ever.

Remembering the morning, W has an idea.

W slithers her tail across Ines' hips and towards her face. She brushes the arrow tip against Ines' cheek.

"You can bite down on this, if you want." W hovers the end in front of Ines' face, like an offering. She nips at Ines' neck. "Since you like it so much."

Ines huffs. "Won't that hurt?" Apparently, she's still with it enough to talk.

W would never concern herself over something like that. Especially not in bed. Ines, though... That tendency to overthink is something W loves about her, really! And Sarkaz tails are particularly sensitive. As weird as it is when Ines has never cared how hard she's bitten any other part of W.

"Yeah?" W nuzzles further into Ines' neck, giving her hand a squeeze. "Maybe that's why I want you to."

Ines inhales, and leans forward to take W's tail into her mouth for the second time today.

This morning W had been too distracted to focus much on the actual sensation of Ines' mouth wrapped around her tail, but it's actually not bad. Cozy, even?

W can't forget the task at hand though. Talking inadvertently caused W to slow her pace. Ines is getting impatient, grinding herself up against W's fingers which aren't moving nearly fast enough. Ines' frantic moans are muffled by her being effectively gagged by W's tail. It turns W on, maybe more than it should. (But has she ever cared?)

W's face feels hot. She presses her nose into Ines' nape, inhales the cedar perfume that Ines wore even during the war. The first time W smelled it—the first time Ines leaned in close enough that she could—she'd wondered if it was her imagination. What kind of merc wears perfume? W would hold Ines' rolled up sleeping bag to her face when put in charge of taking down camp, desperate to catch a hint of it again.

W leans in close to Ines' ear as she speeds up her hand, whispering things she'd never say with the lights on but she knows Ines needs to hear.

She really does love this hopeless, sloppy woman.

The second W pushes her over the edge, Ines' teeth clamp down so hard W almost reconsiders. It's a moment before W realizes the low whimpers she's hearing are coming from her own mouth. The pain is intense enough it takes a concentrated effort from W to keep working her fingers as Ines' hips jerk forward. Her tail could be sore for a while.

Eventually, Ines' jaw goes slack, and W's tail is released. She's panting a little. W retreats her hand, allows Ines to melt back into her arms.

When W starts to move her tail away from Ines' face, Ines grabs the end. She's laughing now, having finally caught her breath. Ines presses her lips right against the still-tender flesh she'd just sunk her teeth into, over and over.

Ines' kisses sting, like pressing fingers into a fresh bruise. W doesn't want her to stop.