SoreMachi Chronological Timeline

A translated version of the timeline provided by Masakazu Ishiguro in the Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru Official Guidebook.

All provided commentary written in blue is from Masakazu Ishiguro. Commentary written in green is my own. Naturally, this timeline contains spoilers for the entire manga.

Chapters marked with a contain a supernatural element.

Hotori's First Year of High School

Takeru is in Grade 3, Class 2.
Yukiko is in Grade 1, Class 1.

Year One: April

(Officer Matsuda is assigned to Tama River Police Station.)
April 4th → Hotori's high school entrance ceremony.
(Flashback where Hotori meets Officer Matsuda for the first time.)
Cherry-blossom-viewing party.
Hotori dons her maid unform for the first time.
Volume 8, Chapter 68
"Arashiyama Josephine-Sama"
→ Granny hurts her back.
Volume 12, Chapter 90
"The Vanishing Case"
Volume 2, Chapter 16
"Night Walker"

Year One: May

Volume 5, Chapter 36
Volume 1, Chapter 1
"The Blessed Café (Before)"
「至福の店 ビフォア」
Volume 1, Chapter 2
"The Blessed Café (After)"
「至福の店 アフター」
Volume 8, Chapter 60
"Hotori and the Mysterious Kingdom"
Volume 1, Chapter 3
"Sexual Harassment Trial"
Volume 11, Chapter 83
"The Voice That Lurks in the Darkness"
(Segment where the mystery is solved.)
→ The incident itself occured prior to April.

Year One: June

Uncollected Chapter
Volume 1, Chapter 4

Year One: July

Volume 1, Chapter 5
"Romantic Runaway"
Volume 9, Color Extra
"Arashiyama Ninja Style"
Volume 1, Chapter 6
"Tatsuno Toshiko Never Breaks"
Volume 1, Chapter 7
"Space Adventure Romance"
Volume 7, Chapter 51
"White Devil"

Year One: August

Volume 11, Chapter 86
"Bad Boys & Fly Girls Ensemble Theater"
→ Arai Dry Cleaners get a new apron design.
Volume 12, Chapter 97
"Two Girls Adrift in the Pacific"
August 8th.

Year One: September

Masked Liger begins airing.
Volume 1, Chapter 8
"The Poster Girl Is World Famous"
→ Hotori calls Tatsuno “Tattsun” for the first time.

Year One: October

Volume 13, Chapter 100
"The Case of the Dog"
Volume 13, Chapter 101
"The Unpopular Gentleman"
→ School festival.

Year One: November

Volume 3, Chapter 22
"One or Eight"
Tatsuno gradually begins to call Hotori “Hotori” or “Anta” instead of “Arashiyama-san”.

Year One: December

Volume 1, Chapter 9
"Equation of Love"
Volume 3, Chapter 23
"Save the Santa Dream"
「まもれ サンタの夢」
Volume 1, Chapter 10
"Kamaboko Bounce"
「カマボコ ボヨン ボヨン」
Volume 12, Chapter 91
"A Dumb Way to Spend New Year's Eve"

Year One: January

Volume 1, Chapter 11
"Cat Boy"
→ Kon first introduced.
(Flashback segment.)
Volume 5, Chapter 38
"We Aren't Machines!"

Year One: February

Volume 2, Chapter 12
"An Invitation from a Sweet Maiden Is a Trap from Hell?!"
Volume 6, Chapter 47
"Hero Show"

February 16th → Sanada turns 16.

Volume 14, Chapter 112
"The Lobster Returns a Favor"
Volume 2, Chapters 13 and 14
"And Yet the Town Moves"
→ Hotori writes "The Jelly Island Murder Mystery" and submits it to Mystery Illustrated.
(Takes place over two-ish weeks.)

Year One: March

(Hotori is in accident, is hospitalized.)
→ Recieves the rejection notice from Mystery Illustrated mid-April.

Hotori's Second Year of High School

Takeru is in Grade 4, Class 3.

Yukiko is in Grade 2, Class 1.

Year Two: April

Volume 2, Chapter 15
"Angel in Pajamas"

(Hotori released from hospital.)

Volume 9, Chapter 71
"Walking Bird"
Volume 2, Chapter 17
"Maid Delivery Service"
→ Hotori visits Kon’s apartment for the first time. From this point onward, Hotori makes herself a fixture in Kon’s home.
Volume 2, Extra
Volume 5, Chapter 37
"Brain Cell Resurrection"
Volume 9, Chapter 69
"Bleeding Process"

Year Two: May

(Flashback segment.)
Volume 10, Chapter 80
"Mysterious Disk"
→ Hotori gets new sneakers.
(First half.)
Volume 11, Chapter 82
"The Final Mystery"
Volume 8, Chapter 64
"The Sign Is B!"
Volume 6, Chapter 43
"A Kiss with Hotori at the Flea Market"
(Second half.)
Volume 11, Chapter 82
"The Final Mystery"

Year Two: June

Volume 4, Chapter 30
"Maid Detective Delivers Big"
→ The July issue of Mystery Illustrated is released.
Volume 5, Chapter 38
"We Aren't Machines!"

June 16th → Myna bird escapes.

June 20th → Myna bird discovered by Kon.

Volume 15, Chapter 115
"Flying Bird"

Year Two: July

Volume 2, Chapter 18
[Hotori finds alien gun that creates holes.]

These chapters occur on the same day:

Volume 2, Chapter 19
"Summer of Josephine"
→ Kon-senpai meets Josephine for the first time.
Volume 12, Chapter 96
"Ghost Painting"
(Summer segment.)
Volume 11, Chapter 85
"Kon-Senpai Is a Mystery!"
Volume 5, Chapter 40
"Arashiyama House Fire"
→ Josephine's dog house burns down.
Volume 14, Chapter 106
"Library Agent"

Year Two: August

Volume 4, Chapter 29 "Arashiyama Treasure Hunters" (嵐山財宝調査隊)

Volume 10, Chapter 74 "Diary About a Sister" (アネの日記)

Volume 11, Chapter 84
"The Twilight Town"
Volume 8, Chapter 62
"Dancing Dragnet"

Volume 5, Chapter 39 "Novel Between Dream and Reality" (夢現小説)

Volume 6, Chapter 49 "Kon-Senpai's Silent Rage" (紺先輩の静かな怒り)

Volume 3, Color Extra "The Beach House Tearjerker" (海の家号泣事件)

Volume 6, Chapter 50 "Phantom Boy" (まぼろしの少年)

Volume 8, Chapter 63 "Kappa Quest" (KAPPA QUEST)

Volume 10, Chapter 75 "Futaba Dead End" (フタバ・デッドエンド) → Kameidou leaves for Africa.

Year Two: September

Volume 3, Chapter 20 "Pandora's Box" (パンドラの箱)

Volume 12, Chapter 96 "Ghost Painting" (幽霊絵画) (Autumn segment.)Masked Liger Kohada begins airing.

Volume 7, Chapter 52 "Autumn Festival" (秋まつり) → September 22nd

Volume 5, Chapter 41 "Stormy Night" (大嵐の夜に) → The laundry pole in the Arashiyama household's gardens snaps, Kon-senpai loses her ring.

Volume 11, Chapter 87
"The Conspiracy Is in the Fog"

Volume 11, Chapter 88 "Miracle Super Lucky Ring" (ミラクルスーパーラッキー指輪)

Year Two: October

Volume 3, Chapter 21 "Labyrinth Orchestra" (迷路楽団) (First half.) → October 1st

Volume 4, Chapter 31 "A Bowl of Machine Soba" (一ぱいのミシンそば)

Volume 9, Chapter 70 "Impulse Buying like a Boss" (大人買い計画)

Volume 3, Chapter 27 "One or Eight Again" (ワン・オア・エイト・アゲイン)

Volume 10, Chapter 77 "Nest" (巣) (Prelude.) → School festival program is published, the band begins practicing.

Volume 3, Chapter 28
"Wisecracking Old Man"
Volume 5, Chapter 42
"School Labyrinth Guide"

Guidebook Extra Chapter "Tatsuno Toshiko Band" (辰野俊子バンド)

Volume 10, Chapter 77 "Nest" (巣) (Main segment.)

Volume 3, Chapter 21 "Labyrinth Orchestra" (迷路楽団) (Second half.) → School festival is on October 30th

Year Two: November

Volume 7, Chapter 53"Contact"

Volume 4, Chapter 32 "Battle! Fairy vs. Reaper" (激突! 妖精VS死神)

Volume 3, Chapter 24 "Detective Girls" (Detective girls)

Volume 15, Chapter 119 "Poor Boys & Bad Girls Ensemble Theater" (不猟少年不良少女群像劇) → Dog poster is put up.

Volume 7, Chapter 55 "Time Waits for No One" (時は待ってくれない)

Volume 4, Chapter 33 "Very Weak Card" (実に微妙なカード)

Year Two: December

Volume 3, Chapter 25 "Cursed Roulette" (呪いのルーレット)

Volume 7, Chapter 54 "Disappointing Card" (ガッカリなカード)

→ Foster parents are found for the dog.

Volume 6, Chapter 46 "Time Capsule" (タイムカプセル)

Volume 11, Chapter 89 "The Adventure of the Speckled Band, Modern Version" (現代版まだらの紐)

Volume 10, Chapter 78 "Detective Girls 2" (Detective girls 2)

Volume 13, Chapter 102
"Abandoned Village"

Volume 7, Chapter 56 "Territory" (テリトリー)

Year Two: January

Volume 4, Chapter 34 "A Dumb Way to Spend New Year's" (まぬけな正月の過ごし方) → After the first of the year Ramen Parade raises its prices.

Volume 9, Chapter 66 "Burn, Hotori" (燃えよ歩鳥)

Volume 12, Chapter 94 "A-ko-ga-re Longing" (A・KO・GA・REロンギング)

Volume 5, Chapter 35
"Tale of the Visitor in the Snow"

Volume 10, Chapter 79 "Hotori's War" (歩鳥の戦争)

Volume 6, Chapter 45 "Two Who Cannot Meet" (逢えない二人)

Volume 7, Chapter 58 "Bloody Valentine" (血のバレンタイン)

Year Two: February

Volume 10, Chapter 80 "Mysterious Disk" (謎の円盤)

Volume 7, Chapter 57 "Soremachi Suspense Theater II" (それ町サスペンス劇場②) → Ski trip.

Volume 12, Chapter 92 "Night Stalker" (ナイトストーカー)

Volume 6, Chapter 44 "Tell It Like It Is" (ざっくばらん) → Hotori's hair gets cut short.

Year Two: March

Uncollected Chapter "Time Bomb" (時限爆弾) → Middle school class reunion.

Volume 12, Chapter 93 "Hotori Solves a Mystery at a Kotatsu" (歩鳥はコタツで推理する)

Volume 15, Chapter 121 "Migrating Bird" (立つ鳥) (Intro segment.) → Kon-senpai gets into her second choice university.

Volume 14, Chapter 113 "Red" (赤)

Volume 9, Chapter 67 "Return Jealous Look" (答砲悋気)

Volume 15, Chapter 120 "Tatsuno Toshiko's Friend" (辰野俊子のお友達) → Ryochin VS Tatsuno

→ Kon-senpai graduates in mid-March.

Volume 15, Chapter 121 "Migrating Bird" (立つ鳥) (Spring break segment.) → Kon-senpai moves out of Kawai apartments.

Hotori's Third Year of High School

Takeru is in Grade 5, Class 3.

Yukiko is in Grade 3, Class 1.

Year Three: April

Volume 13, Chapter 103 "Gone into the Darkness" (闇の中の消失)

Volume 6, Chapter 48 "Hotori's First Time" (歩鳥初体験)

Volume 14, Chapter 110 "With Big Sister" (お姉さんといっしょ) → Yukiko begins kendo.

Volume 8, Chapter 59 "Smile Away" (笑ってごらん) (Kotatsu is put away.)

Volume 8, Chapter 61 "The Great Beast Appears at Oya High School" (大怪獣 尾谷校に現わる) → Fukuzawa's face is injured.

Year Three: May

Volume 10, Chapter 81 "Hotori's First Kiss" (歩鳥ファーストキス)

Volume 16, Chapter 122 "Dream of the Future" (未来の夢)

→ Conbini holds a Golden Week fair.

Volume 15, Chapter 114 "School Trip" (修学旅行) → School Trip (Hotori purchases carved wooden bears as souvenirs.)

Volume 9, Chapter 72 "The Ghost of Ri-Chan the Liar" (嘘つきリッちゃんの亡霊)

Year Three: June

Volume 12, Chapter 98 "Epilogue" (エピローグ)

Volume 12, Chapter 95 "Yukiko's Swordsmanship" (ユキコの剣)

Volume 13, Chapter 105 "Cursed Video" (呪いのビデオ)

Volume 16, Chapter 123 "Detective Girls Final" (Detective girls final) → Kon-senpai travels to England for about a week, leaving on June 5th.

Volume 16, Chapter 124 "Huge Case" (大事件) → Hotori solves the mystery of "Sluguchi" and confronts her. Hotori decides that issues between men and women are beyond her.

Year Three: July

Volume 15, Chapter 117 "False" (虚) → Ryochin's home and older brother first appear.

Volume 16, Chapter 125 "Kon-Senpai Special" (紺先輩 スペシャル) (Beginning segment.)

Volume 16, Chapter 125 "Kon-Senpai Special" (紺先輩 スペシャル)

Volume 16, Chapter 127 "The Blessed Café (Forever)" (至福の店 フォーエバー) → Tatsun quits her part-time job at Seaside in July. As a result, Seaside returns to being a regular cafe rather than a maid cafe.

Year Three: August

Volume 14, Chapter 107
"Hotori Sunk"
→ Hotori's "Hollywood" t-shirt is forever runined.

Volume 9, Chapter 73 "Moriaki in the Night Sky" (森秋 夜空に散る)

→ Hotori buys a new alarm clock.

Volume 16, Chapter 126 "Evil" (悪)

Volume 15, Chapter 118 "Botan Doro" (牡丹灯籠)

Year Three: September

Volume 16, Chapter 128
"Gone with the Wind"
Volume 14, Chapter 111
"Fantasy Novel"
(Dream? segment.)

Volume 10, Chapter 76 "Arashiyama Family Housework" (嵐山家 家事担う)

September 8th → Typhoon XX

Volume 13, Chapter 99 "Stake Out" (張り込み)

Volume 16, Chapter 129 "Girl A" (少女A) (Final chapter.) → Hotori is working on her play script for the school festival.

Year Three: October

Volume 14, Chapter 108 "Novel Between Dream and Reality - Continued" (続・夢現小説) → At this point in time Kameidou has heard Ryochin's name but never met her face-to-face.

→ "Girl A" is performed at the school festival.

Year Three: November

Volume 14, Chapter 109 "Doppelganger" (ドッペルゲンガー)

Volume 8, Chapter 65 "Farewell, Noodles" (さよなら麺類)

Year Three: December

Volume 14, Chapter 111 "Fantasy Novel" (夢幻小説) (Beginning and ending segments.)

Year Three: January

Year Three: February

Year Three: March

→ Hotori graduates.

End of Timeline

The following isn't information from the SoreMachi Official Guidebook, it's just my own digging from putting this together.

Chapters Not Included In The Timeline

Volume 3, Chapter 26
"Birth of the Young Girl Detective"
→ Takes place ten years before the main story, when Shizuka was in high school and Hotori was a child.
Volume 13, Chapter 104
"Ping Pong Girl of Darkness"
→ Most of this chapter recounts Kon's middle school experience via Haribara. The present day portion probably takes place during autumn or early winter of Hotori's second year?
Volume 16, Epilogue
"...And then"
→ Takes place approximately two years after the main story when Hotori is 20 years old.

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